
Volvo Life paint

Hi there,
I’ve just watched a video very interesting for our Motorcycles, bicycles or whatever it is.



Je trouve çà vraiment bien et peut être même mieux que les bandes réfléchissantes. (plus facile et plus accessible pour les individus.)

The power of introverts

This video talks about introverts and it’s based on the book « Quiet » written by Susan Cain.
People undervalue introverts and this is a big mistake.

Projections in the Forest

I’m pretty sure that everybody knows what the mapping is. Even if you don’t know what it is, you have seen exibitions or monuments painted with lights.

One of the famous place in Europe is Lyon with the annual event « Fête des Lumières ».
This time , this process has been use to highlight plants, trees and nature.

AWESOME !!!!!!!!

Behind the scene here:

HD Timelapse of The Earth

Astronaut Alexander Gerst has had this extreme chance to go up there for few months. Here is a fantastic view of the earth in 4K.

You better watch this footage on a huge screen in HD mode.


Hi there,
This is another AWESOME video from Ole C Salomonsen.
This is Fantastic, Spectacular, Magic.
I’m very surprised by the quality of this video especially because most of the time Northern lights are captured by DSLR Camera through Time Lapses but not in that case. This DSLR designed by sony is quite impressive.

Last October while I was travelling to Iceland I got in touch with many people through Facebook or directly on their website. My aim was to get information, chat a bit with them and eventually share photos and tricks.
So, I think that is the right moment to share with you these info as well.

Lire la suite « Iceland Info »

Quelle claque cette saison 1 de True Detective !!!

Sombre, glauque, atmosphère pesante et poisseuse, superbement interprété.

A voir absolument.

Awesome show !! One of the best show I have ever seen in the past 10 years. Must see.


See what could happen with wrong tires on the highway…. I have never had this case and I truly hope not seeing that result one day.

If it’s happen, just slow down with caution and try to stay on track until it stop by itself.


Think twice…

Oh there is nothing more to say…… Just watch.

Blues Jazz

Blues Jazz
Quite good and groovy 🙂

Bror Gunnar Jansson

Malheureusement video sur Canal+ supprimée:


Confort Zone

Awesome video about our confort zone and our ability, (or not), to move forward and to go outside our confort zone.
Great !


Yes,…..I know another timelapse…….but this one is just fabulous.

Sequences, mucic,…everything is perfect.
All details are on the following link.


This is not a brand new video, but I remember that few months ago I was very impressed by this creation.

Behind the scene:

Perfect Ride

Une fois n’est pas coutume, je mets en lien une vidéo sur la sécurité routière en moto.

Ce site est très très bien fait et il se concentre sur la prévention, l’information et la mise à disposition de liens utiles.

Il y a de nombreuses vidéos mais j’ai décidé de retenir celle-ci qui présente les risques quasi quotidien d’un motard. (Je parle des Motards; pas des imbéciles qui se prennent pour de vrais motards)

Planetary Panoramas

Very nice timelapse designed by Vincent Brady.  You can find more information about this video on youtube and also on his webpage.

Planetary Panoramas – 360 Degree Night-Sky Time-Lapse by Vincent Brady, Music by Brandon McCoy

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